Why You Should Keep Up Your Fitness In Your Golden Years

No matter what stage you are in your life, there are endless benefits to keeping fit and healthy. Moving your body, whether it’s through something gentle like walking or swimming or something more intensive life a circuit or aerobics is an important part of everyday life. There is always a lot of emphasis put on physical activity for both children and adults, but sometimes as we age the importance we place on exercise begins to diminish. Whether you are heading into your ‘golden years’ or someone you love is already living out their retirement, it is important to know the benefits of regular exercise.
How much exercise should I be aiming for?
The amount of physical activity you should be aiming to complete each day or week will depend not only on your own personal preferences but also your own fitness level and potential limitations. According to HealthDirect, “it’s recommended that adults aged 65 or older do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most, preferably all, days”. This could include anything from taking the dog for a walk, swimming at your local recreation centre or joining a group fitness class.
So whether it’s yourself or a loved one who is living in your ‘golden years’ here are some reasons why you should keep up physical activities no matter your age!
Reduces risk of injury from falls
One of the major concerns with ageing is the risk of serious injury that is associated with a fall. The Mayo Clinic suggests “physical activity can go a long way towards fall prevention. Activities reduce the risk of falls by improving strength, balance, coordination and flexibility”.
Keep yourself healthy for longer
There are a number of general physical benefits of regular exercise as you age. HealthDirect list the key benefits to include:
- helps to control weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and joint and bone problems like arthritis
- reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke
- helps to manage chronic pain
- helps to maintain and increase joint mobility.
According to the World Health Organisation, leading a sedentary lifestyle is one of the ten leading causes of an early death. Even a gentle type of regular exercise can increase a person’s lifespan up to five years.
Reduces loneliness and feelings of isolation
In 2015, Aged & Community Services Australia (ACSA) released a paper titled “Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Australians”. As a part of this research ASCA suggested that older Australians are more likely to be impacted by loneliness and social isolation because they a) often live on their own and b) are less likely to get out and about outside of the house. These factors can have a number of negative implications on older people such as poor mental health.
Going for a walk with a friend, joining a local walking group, participating in a group fitness class or regularly attending your local recreation centre are all great ways to combat the negative impacts of loneliness and social isolation.
Greenwood Physio Golden Circuit
If you’re over 65 and it’s been a while since you’ve ventured into exercise a great place to start is the Greenwood Physio Golden Circuit class. It’s run by one of our amazing Physio’s which means you’ll not only have a lot of fun but you’ll also be completely supported and safe in your journey to exercise. For more information about our class or to book yourself a spot, give our Reception team a call on 9246 0882 or Book Online.